BMW Services & Repairs
Looking ahead to your future, it’s important to recognize that diagnosing any issues with your BMW ahead of time will not only help relieve a potentially stressful situation, but it will save you money further down the road.
Here are some aspects of your BMW service that we can help with:

Our technicians take the guesswork out of repairs and routine maintenance. We use BMW LongLife-01 Approved engine oil and follow manufacturer guidelines for all parts not directly created by BMW (like transmissions). HG Performance strives to offer customized service through our extensive knowledge of each BMW model. We offer both vehicle-issued charcoal activated cabin filters and multi-layer filters that eliminate allergens and bacteria.
We Know BMW
Our team here at HG Performance wants to help you remain on the go both safely and effectively. We have specific plans for each year and model of BMW, offering customized service for your car. Reach out to us for more detailed information and pricing for your particular BMW, M, or Alpina vehicle! Request your next service appointment today.